P1030552While there's still a couple of winter events to be enjoyed this September, event updates and additions have been pretty sparse.

LMBC's Geard Cycles 4 Hour Enduro has apparently grown up into the Geards Cycle Giant 275 enduro and I somehow suspect that with Kim eyeing off one of these new Giant 27.5's that I might find myself at this event come October 6.

The only new additions to the tassietrails.org calender come from Audax Tasmania which has published its long distance events for the summer period.  These events are generally road events, but if you're not into racing, but still like to log up some kilometres on challenging but scenic rides then these Audax events are a great alternative. 

The current list of Audax events include:




January 2014

See the Addax calendar at www.audax.org.au for full details including links to entry forms and maps.

Finally, and although not event update still worthy of note, BikeTas have completely updated their website and of course the North East Mountain Bike Website is also now up and running and waiting for you to join the community.

So if getting out and riding isn't seeming appealing right now maybe head on over there and check out their websites.