St Albans Bay (Bellingham to Bridport Circuit)

Let's face it - Tasmania's North East is spoilt for amazing purpose-built mountain bike trails that could keep you happy for weeks on end. Which begs the question of why I found myself unloading my bike at the corner of Bellingham Road and Bridport Road about to head off for a 60km+ soujourn along beaches, soft sandy tracks and busy roads, wit...

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  2047 Hits

Five New Trails opened at Wild Mersey for Easter 2022

Five new trails (7 Shreds, Sweet Caroline, Funky Chicken, Harden Up and Syked Out) were officially opened on April 16 2022 adding 10 more kilometres of trail to the Wild Mersey Trail Network. I headed up for a ride not long after (23 April 2022) as a bit of a side detour to a trip up to the North East. I parked down by the ...

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  1956 Hits

Lake King William Circumnavigation

Crossing Clark Dam Early morning crossing Clark Dam

A circumnavigation of Lake King William has been on the to-do list for a very long time, and I have tried (unsuccesfully) to do it in the past,  but today I finally made that all important decision to actually set my alarm and set out to see if it was possible to circumnavigate Lake King William by bike and packraft ...  I left ...

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  2108 Hits

George Town MTB Trails (first ride)

Blue Tounge on Mt George Trails Blue Tounge on Mt George Trails

So I hadn’t been expecting much from the new George Town trails.   Truth be told, I expected to just spend a few hours riding them and then drive away thinking “that’s that done, time to go and ride some proper trails.” But, four hours and many kilometres later. I’m happy to say I’m eating my expectations.  Or does it make more sense to s...

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  1743 Hits

Lake Pedder Kayaking Trip (5-6 April 2021)

Kayak-on-Beach Camping site on Lake Pedder

I've wanted to explore Lake Pedder by kayak for a long, long time now, even before I saw some of the magnificent photos taken by Geoff Murray of camping by the lake shore. But I've also heard whispered stories of challenging and changable conditions, strong winds and steep waves, which combined with having a limited knowledge of where I might be ab...

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  2576 Hits